June 21, 2024

Napha Solimine

VELOX Update Summer 2024

It’s been a while since we last updated you about VELOX, and we are excited to share the latest features and improvements in VELOX 2024. This year's updates are designed to improve performance, streamline APIs, and provide a more user-friendly experience for our customers. Let's dive into the details!

Improved Microservices

Updated dependencies / ecosystem

We have updated our technology stack to take advantage of the latest developments in the industry. VELOX now uses:

  • Java 21
  • Gradle 8
  • Spring 6.2

This update includes the latest versions of the Spring Framework, Spring Boot 3.2, and Spring Security, which promised improved performance and security.

Streamlined APIs & Models

To ensure a more efficient and intuitive integration, we have:

  • Optimized the OpenAPI specifications
  • Developed Ready-to-use API clients
  • Normalized naming models and on endpoints, parameters, and DTOs
  • Created separate DTOs for Read, Create, and Update

Improved DTO mapping

With MapStruct’s help, our DTO mapping has been significantly improved, increasing the consistency and reliability of data transfers.

Tests with Testcontainers

We have transitioned from Postman to Testcontainers for a more effective and reliable testing environment.

New Frontend

State-of-the-art frontend

On a VELOX project, we redesigned our frontend using React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS, promising a virtually stunning and user-friendly experience. - This will be backported soon.

New Back office

Redesigned back office

On the same project, we as well redesigned our back office with React, Next.js, and Material Tailwind principles to ensure seamless and efficient administration. - This will be backported as well.

New Integrations

Storyblok CMS: A powerful content management system.

iFAS ERP Integration: Realtime price calculation, connect customers and place orders directly into the ERP.

My Content PIM Integration: Fetch product data with technical attributes, pictures and assets directly into VELOX.

The new features

VELOX 2024 introduced several new features to improve the user experience:

Product Search: makes it easier to find exactly what you need

Orderlists: save your favorite products for later

My Account: manage your personal information effortlessly

Order History: keeps track of your past purchases

Kubernetes and Infrastructure as Code

We have opted for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Terraform, to automate and optimize our deployment processes:

AWS Control Tower: centralized management of AWS environments

Workload accounts using Terraform: efficient management of infrastructure

Kubernetes deployment using Helm: simplified deployment and management of Kubernetes applications

Node Autoscaling using Karpenter: dynamically scale Kubernetes nodes based on workload requirements

VELOX 2024 is a significant step forward in terms of technology, usability and functionality. We are constantly striving to improve and provide the best possible experience for our users. Stay tuned for more updates as we are constantly innovating and evolving!

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Velox is the leading open-source headless B2B ecommerce foundation for tailor-made, future-proof implementations.